The data set I chose to visualise through my animated particle was ethnicity.I focused on the top six ethnicities in Woolloomooloo. LocalStatsAustralia reports that in 2011 "45.1% of people living in the suburb of Woolloomooloo were born in Australia. The other top responses for country of birth were 5.6% England, 4.0% New Zealand, 1.7% Vietnam, 1.5% China , 1.5% United States of America.. [and] 1.3% Germany..."
I chose to visualise this through the vector field particle because it could be used to represent a community in the way it clusters and flows as an entity made of smaller particles.
The smaller the particles are, the high the population of that ethnicity, and the bigger the particle the lesser of that ethnicity.
The small blue particles = 45.1% Australian
The medium red particles = 5.6% English
The medium yellow particles = 4.0% New Zealander
The large green particles = 1.7% Vietnamese
The large pink particles = 1.5% Chinese
The large light blue particles = 1.5% German
NOTE: During my data particle recording UnrealEngine began to seriously lag and crash. I was unable to record any high definition recordings without serious lag or software failure. I have worked with what I was able to use, and so the only way I could record anything was to reduce all resolution settings to the lowest possible. I have made a low quality on site recording and a clearer separate recording of the particle itself.
The particles in the site were supposed to randomly flung and bounce off surfaces and interacting with the environment. This can be better shown in the separate recording.
If you would like to see my real particle system you can see it in my file. It is placed under Effects > Particle Systems > P_Vectorfield2
Data Particle: To see a better version click here.
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